F-6C Mustang 1:72 Expert Set Arma Hobby - Model review

 So far Arma Hobby released two kits that contains P-51B/C. This time we get Mustang in reconnaisance version designated F-6C. Courtesy of Arma Hobby Model Kits I am the happy owner of

 70040 F-6C Mustang Expert Set Kit.

As usual boxart is delightful, even my wife noticed its aesthetics.:)

Available painting schemes are announcement on back side of the box.

The content is neatly packed in a plastic bag.

There are three sprues in the kit:

As you can see plastic content of this box is the same as in previous P-51B/C kit. I have described its advantages and disadvantages in previous post so if you are interested in check it out.

Kit includes precut paper masks. Unfortunatelly they are not too photogenic...

In the box we can find also plate with photoedged parts. It is rather small but contains everything we need I think.

Despite only four variants of markings the decal sheet is included in the kit is quite large.

Decals, printed by Techmod, are of very good quality. They do not differ from what we could find so far in boxes from Arma. The colours are vell saturated and wothout of a visible raster. Stencils, even the smallest, are sharp and legible. It is worth to say that the natonal insignias and stencils are doubled. 

Instrucion sheet is almost the same as in previous P-51 kit.

Finally, what is most interesting - paiting schemes.

As you can see there are six marking variants including two bonus ones. Unfortunately I can't find differences betwen third and fifth scheme. The proposed schemes are so attractive that it will be hard to decide which one to choose. In my opinion this is the biggest advantage of this kit, and this is not the only one. Those who remember the review of the P-51B/C probably agree that Mustang made by Arma Hobby has almost only advantages.

The quality of the kit is also confirmed by amount of arleady built models that can be seen in the Internet.

The review sample was provided by manufacturer - Arma Hobby

Thanks for reading! ZAP - Models&Reviews

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