P-51B/C Mustang 1:72 Expert Set Arma Hoby + overtrees - Model review

I reviewed bigger Mustang from Eduard on this blog, so it is time for smaller one from Arma Hobby. I decidet to buy kit with overtrees, becouse in Expert Set there are doubled decals. Due to that almost without any additional aftermarkets you can build two models. Sounds great isn't it?

Like in previous models of this manufacturer box art is stunning. It is almost a tradition.

Like always on the other side of box there is graphic with available markings.

The box is full of plastic.

Yes, there are two complets of plastic sprues for P-51.

First I looked at bigger sprue with fuselage and wings. Parts looks great. Sharp and delicate panel lines and details causes that whole looks lovely. 

I've found some imperfections, but this is not a issue. They are minimal and one or two thicker layers of surfercer should solve it.

There are some cockpit details on the other side of the part.

Yes, there is imperfection too. This time cyanoacrylate will help.

Details looks great, it is hard to believe that this is 1/72 scale.

Instrument panel is well molded. This is important because in the kit there is no photoegdeg one.

Some of parts are so small that it will be hard to cut them out from sprue.

Wheel bay doors are nicely molded too.

On the other sprue there are smaller parts, also molded on highest level.

There are optional parts for some panels.

Major issue is seen on tires. Tire tread is misaligned and it will be hard to fix it.

But I forgot about tires when saw this:

This looks stunning! Right now this is subtle and barely visible, but after metal finish it will be sure visible. Well done Arma Hobby!

Also on the underside of wings there is molded the same effect of stressed skin.

Clear parts are well molded, crystal-clean and thin.

Exept plastic parts kit contains photoedged parts and canopy masks.

Instruction sheet is in form of a booklet, as always in Arma Hobby. 

Due to amount of versions instructions are a bit chaotic so I recommend to read it before building.

There are few decals dedicated to interior.

The colorful instruction is helpful when there is a lot of information.

Also there are renders where it is needed.

On separate scheme there are presented options for loadout. Again suprise - fuel tanks and bombs have dedicated decals.

There are marking schemes on the last pages. 

I saved the best for last. Decals impress with quality, as always truly say. Look at the photos, I have nothing to add.

In conclusion, this is certainly the best available model of P-51B/C and will remain so for a long time.An almost perfect kit with some minor unperfections but not too hard to fix.

As you know, I have P-51D in larger scale from Eduard. I compared this two kits, photos are posted below. I will just write that I am waitning for Hurricane from Arma Hobby in 1:48 scale!

Thanks for reading! ZAP - Models&Reviews

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