P-51B Mustang 1:72 Arma Hobby - Model review

Together with the premiere of Airacobra, Arma Hobby released another box with a Mustang, this time with schemes for version B. The model was very well designed, so it's no wonder that the Warsaw company treats us with new boxes containing this legendary WWII fighter. I decided to check if the content of this set is at the same level as almost a year ago when the frames inside had their premiere.

70041 P-51B Mustang

The box is decorated with a fantastic boxart again. Which is true, I can be biased, because I just love such dynamic scenes, but for me it is a pattern that other producers should follow. Inside, there is a familiar content:

Only the decals are new. Besides, as I mentioned in the Airacobra review, the Mustang is released in a new convention, i.e. without photoetched parts.

Since I have already reviewed the sprues that are included in this set, I refer to the extensive description of the premiere edition of the Mustang. Due to the fact that I took some photos during the inspection of the P-39, I post them below with a short comment.


Details still make a great impression. Unfortunately, there is a little issue on the starboard side of the cabin. However, this is not a big problem, in my Mustang I was able to fill it with cyanoacrylate glue. Below are some photos of the interior of my Mustang:

Outer surfaces:

As you can see, the surfaces still look very good. Delicate panel lines and subtle riveting are something this manufacturer has us got used to.

Landing gear bays:

The bay doors and undercarriage legs have minor imperfections. Again, nothing that would be difficult to eliminate.


Other parts:

Transparent parts:


I am slowly running out of epithets to describe them. As usual, they are very nicely printed, and they work well with liquids for decals. Wat can I say? This is a standard for today's Techmod products.

In addition, the box includes canopy masks cut from kabuki paper:

The instructions sheet is much clearer than in the first edition:

At the end we find five quite attractive painting shemes:

The last page is decorated with very nice graphics:

The painting schemes were well matched to this version in my opinion. It is diverse and quite colorful, as befits a Mustang.

I remember today my reaction when I saw the frames of the Arm Mustang for the first time in February this year. The sight made an almost electrifying impression on me. It was probably the first model in which AH opened the eyes of modellers and showed that in 1:72 a lot can be designed and then transferred to plastic. There were voices overshadowing the detail of 1:48 models in relation to this set. I have to admit that today the details on the elements evoke a more subdued feeling in me. It is still the best Mustang model I have seen, but appetite increases with eating, and this P-51B has been somewhat overshadowed by the glow of the new Airacobra. Arma Hobby has shown that in some places it is possible to get even more out of this scale. Although, to be truthful, in my opinion there is a slightly better designed element in this model compared to the AH's latest kit - the Mustang's windscreen has been cast together with the panel in front of the pilot's cabin, thanks to which its installation is 100% stress-free.

This time I did not try to dry fit the received set, as it was in the case of the P-39. The model, however, is very well designed, which I confirmed in the article describing the construction of the reconnaissance version of the Mustang. Unfortunatelly only in polish, but there is a lot of photos. ;)

The review sample was provided by manufacturer - Arma Hobby

Thanks for reading! ZAP - Models&Reviews

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